Job shadow ad Avilés, Spagna

Presentazione in inglese dell'esperienza, a cura dello studente Ashti Salam.

This experience was useful to me for several reasons.
My prof Manuela had told me: “Go and you will see that it will be unique”.
I was the only man in the group, so I also felt pampered and even called by different names: like when you remember a foreign friend, who you haven’t seen for years, or when you mix up the letters, when someone calls me “Lei” using my surname … in short, it was fun right away.

I really found in this trip what I had imagined: to get to know each other and to know how other European schools work and to see that adults in Spain, as in Italy, also want and return to study, obviously for many different reasons, and are committed to helping the environment.

The Spanish students were also all nice and welcoming; not to mention the teachers who surprised us every day with games and experiences prepared for us.
The activities were all on the topic we had started with: learning not to waste food, showing each other how we organised ourselves in Italy to reduce waste, and learning from the Spaniards what they do in Asturias.
It was a surprise to discover that some activities are similar, but others are completely new.
We then imported them and made them known in our Cpia in Italy.

I leW with my musical instruments and managed to perform in the Cepa library in front of an audience of students and professors, who were intrigued by my words and music. I only know a few words of Spanish, but with the help of Milagros everyone was able to understand me.
In the meantime, I had also found the opportunity of a concert in Oviedo in a cultural centre and even more I felt the warmth of the Spanish audience, as well as that of my fellow travellers and Spanish professors who came to hear me.

Here I met other people and there was also a Kurdish girl who started dancing and kissed my hand in front of everyone: this is a gesture of honour that is made in our parts as a sign of respect and joy. I did not expect it and it left me speechless, but it was a spontaneous gesture rooted in the deepest tradition, it should be accepted as it is.

Another traditional gesture, incomprehensible to those who are not locals, is the way the cider is poured: to get two sips in the glass, almost half the contents of the bottle are lost on the Nloor!
With the risk that then a customer or the owner of the bar himself slips on it (it has happened) and gets hurt …
Travelling you learn many things, as well as studying them, you get to know the cultures and customs of new countries.
This is a real wealth: getting to know others without barriers and borders!
Finally, call me whatever is convenient for you, but my name is Ashti! (Back)

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